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Re: JBoss & Linux Threads

On Sunday, December 16, 2001 8:52 AM, Holger.Rauch@heitec.de
> http://www.jboss.org/online-manual/HTML/ch10s02.html

> I read that Linux allegedly does not support "real threads". My questions
> on this issue are:

Linux is obviously multi-threaded but I think they
are referring to so-called "lightweight" threads.
IIRC, Linux creates intra-process threads via the
same mechanism it uses to create processes--i.e.
each thread uses up one available process in the
table.  I recall there was some big change wrt
threads in libc6 but I don't remember, off-hand,
what that was.
> Maybe someone subscribed to this mailing list has already used JBoss on
> Linux, is familiar with Linux threads and can enlighten me on this issue?

I'm just getting JBoss going in Linux.  It's working
fine for me but I haven't checked performance vs.
Windows.  The OL manual's claim of doubled per-
formance under Win is a bummer, if true.  Remember,
though, the online JBoss manual is the original one
and not the official one.



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