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Re: Help please, setting up lm-sensors

Stan Brown <stanb@awod.com> writes:
SB> On Sat Dec 15 11:03:05 2001 David Z Maze wrote...
 DZM> Stan Brown <stanb@awod.com> writes:
  SB> I;ve got a new machine with a custom 2.4.16 kernel. I have
  SB> managed to get lm-sensors built, and the modules load. However
  SB> sensor-detect does not give me enough info to get the rest set
  SB> up.
  SB> Next adapter: SMBus vt82c596 adapter at 5000 (Non-I2C SMBus adapter)
  SB> Do you want to scan it? (YES/no/selectively): 
  SB> Can't open /dev/i2c0 (No such file or directory)
 DZM> This looks wrong (either /dev/i2c/0 or /dev/i2c-0 would be
 DZM> plausible).  Looking through the sensors-detect source, though
 DZM> (it's just a Perl script), it tries all three of i2c-0, i2c0,
 DZM> and i2c/0.
 DZM> What version of lm-sensors are you using?  Of i2c?
SB> Im really not certain how to tell. Both are the version form the
SB> Debain -source package for testing. Looking in the CHANGES file,
SB> the latest version mentioned in both is 2.6.1

The right way to check is to do 'dpkg -s lm-sensors-2.4.16' and 'dpkg
-s i2c-2.4.16', and look for the Version there.  The reported versions
should be something like '2.6.1-1+2.4.16', depending on the version of
the source you built and the --revision you built your kernel with.

Other things that come to mind: 'modprobe i2c-dev' as root.  Do you
have a /dev/i2c directory then?  Does your new kernel use devfs?  Did
your old one?  (If you do, /dev will show up in /proc/mounts, and
you'll probably have a /dev/.devfsd special device.)  If you're not
using devfs, you need to make sure that the i2c devices exist in /dev,
doing (as someone else suggested) '/sbin/MAKEDEV i2c'.

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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