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Re: Compile kernel 2.4.17-rc1 problem only with debian woody

On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 20:11:03 +1100, Steve Kieu wrote:
> What is your opinion?

My opinion is that you have a lot to learn about reporting bugs. I'd
recommend reading "info gcc bugs reporting" (the gcc manual's "How to Report
Bugs" section). Crucial information that you're not supplying includes, but
is not necessarily limited to:
- The _literal_ error message you get, including relevant context.
- Was the _exact same_ .config used for on woody as on Mandrake?
- What are the relevant .config settings / what .config did you use?
- What was the _exact_ sequence of commands you used to build the kernel
  on woody? (Forgetting "make dep" or "make clean" in an older tree that
  was patched up can cause tricky problems)
- Did you start with a freshly unpacked 2.4.16 tree?

UNIX is not so much a product as it is a painstakingly compiled oral history
of the hacker culture. It is our Gilgamesh epic.
	Doc Searls in "The Morlock Market", Linux Journal, January 2001.

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