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Weird boot problem

I'm running Debian Woody, and have been using kernel v2.2.18 for a long
while.  Recently, I upgraded to 2.4.16.  make, make modules, and make
modules_install worked great.  However, when I boot to the new kernel,
as soon as Lilo...... finishes, the system reboots.  Just for kicks, I
tried with 2.4.14, with the same results.

Anybody have any thoughts on where I should start looking to fix this
thing?  I really need to get this kernel upgraded.

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| http://www.exitwound.org : hard to find       |
| Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to         |
| execute a job? A: Four; three to hold it      |
| down, and one to rip its head off.            |
 -------------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------------
| Version: 3.1                                  |
| GJ/IT d- s: a C+++>$ UL++++ P+++ L+++ E--- W++| 
| N+@ o K- w O- M- V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5@ X++ |
| R tv+@ b+ DI++++ D+ G++ e++++ h---- r+++ y+++ |
 --------------END GEEK CODE BLOCK--------------

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