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   I don't mean to be rude with this, but i've noticed that few people
do their homework before posting. I've seen some questions over and over
again for which answers exist in the {manual pages | list archives}.
   Looking for existing answers (IOW doing your own research) before
posting helps everyone: you learn about your OS and your computer,
becoming a better {admin | user}; and also reduces the amount of
messages received by subscribers everyday.
   So, without wanting to ofend anyone, before you post a question

1. RTFM (Read The Friendly Manual)
2. Search the {archives | HOW-TOs}
3. Ask your local {Linux | Unix} guru (if you have one)

and if this doesn't help (which I doubt) drop some lines to this list.
   Thanks all, enjoy Linux.

-= Nicolás Conde - SSAA =-
-=  nconde@fing.edu.uy  =-

La verdad te hara libre, pero antes te hara enojar.

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