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Re: Samba printing problem

* Pollywog (croak@shadypond.com) wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to print from a laptop to my desktop (printer is connected to 
> the desktop) printer using Samba, but although the laptop appears to send 
> the print job to the desktop normally, the printer does not print and my 
> samba log has this:
> [2001/11/23 18:37:35, 0] printing/printing.c:print_job_start(927)
>   print_job_start: insufficient permissions to open spool file 
> /var/spool/lpd/stylus740/smbprn.000006.5Rr9Xq.
> I made user pollywog a member of the group "lpd" but this did not help.  I 
> did not reboot the desktop after doing that because I don't believe that 
> is necessary.  Anyone know what the problem is here?  I DID search the 
> list archives for the past year's posts but I found nothing.
What does your smb.conf file say with regard to printing? 
Have you run smbclient?


Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

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