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Re: Latest Galeon displaying JavaDoc poorly?

  Looks like the Gnome settings are different. Note the difference in
  the mnemonics and toolbar grab bars. Unfortunately, the details are
  beyond me. I suppose some of the random things I would try if I
  didn't hear something better:

  - killall gconfd-1; restart galeon
  - quit X, log into a tty, mv .gnome to .gnome-save, log in, diff
    the new .gnome and .gnome-save and see if I could tell what changed.
  - play with galeon's and gnome's settings.
  - go out for a beer and read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Bill Wohler <wohler@newt.com>  http://www.newt.com/wohler/  GnuPG ID:610BD9AD
Maintainer of comp.mail.mh FAQ and mh-e. Vote Libertarian!
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

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