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Re: Software DVD players

hi ya oleksander

i tested a bunch of different svga cards w/ svideo/rca outputs..
but non could talk to a regular tv
	- but some fo those svga cards... worked with Win98... :-(
	( not with linux )

	- even cards that proports to have linux drivers 
	to display onto a reg tv  didnt work

- other folks in japan decided to skip the svga cards and use the
  tv out on the motherboards that have it...
	- dont know if any worked with linux

c ya

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Oleksandr Moskalenko wrote:

>   To shift the gear again. Has anyone succeeded in outputting the DVD
> stream to a TV connected to the second head of a Matrox G400? I really
> wanna be able to watch DVD on the TV when I have guests over.
>   Alex.

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