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Re: Strange KDE Problems

Le Lundi 15 Octobre 2001 06:53, Nathan Weston a écrit :
> I am running debian unstable. I just dist-upgraded tonight, and all of a
> sudden KDE won't start. KDM comes up fine, I login, and then X crashes
> and I end up back at the KDM login.
>   My .x-session-errors contains something along the lines of:
> /etc/kde2/kdm/Xsession: /usr/bin/ssh-agent kde2: no such file or
> directory.
>   So, I looked in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ and messed with
> 99xfree86-common_start.. the only thing I could get to work was just
> hard-coding it to "exec /usr/bin/kde2". However, if I do /usr/bin/ssh-agent
> kde2 from the console it works fine (except of course that kde complains
> b/c it can't find a running x session).
>   So, I have everything running, except that I don't have ssh-agent... but
> even after reading the man page I'm not really sure what it does. Is
> ssh-agent important (nothing seems broken yet)... or useful if I knew what
> to do with it? (I do a lot of remote work over ssh)
>   And, one way or another I'd like to fix this... even if ssh-agent is
> completely useless, it's the principle of the thing ;-)
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Nathan
> P.S. I'm not subscribed so please reply directly.

You need to fix the file
and remove the quotes so that the end of the file becomes
if [ -n "$STARTSSH" ]; then

(it is a bug and it is known from the maintainer - it will be fixed soon I 

Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@smets.com>
GPG Fingerprint: 40FF FA78 75AA 680D 8BB4  EEF9 539A 79CC CB8E 5F01 

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