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Re: Dillo (Web-Browser Recommendation)

on Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 08:53:33PM +0200, "Jürgen A. Erhard" (jae@jerhard.org) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have seen the recurring threads about web-browsers, so I looked at
> Dillo again.  (Have watched it on and off since the very first
> versions, then called "gzilla").
> Installed 0.6.1... and I'm *sooo* satisfied with this!  So satisfied
> in fact, I really *have* to recommend it to y'all.
> It does tables *beautifully*.  It starts up hellishly fast!  (And
> shuts down equally quickly... unlike Galeon or Mozilla, which take
> ages 'til the appicon in Window Maker disappears).
> It doesn't do frames, or SSL, or fancy layouting (doesn't know
> <center> or <align left> and all that).

...or cut'n'paste, though this is being worked on.

> But it's *sooo* fast... unbelievable.
> For quick checks with graphics (so links is out) it's wonderful (like
> looking at my webalizer stats... ;-)

I agree that it's a useful "quick-shot" browser, and it definitely fills
a niche.  With c'n'p, frames, SSL, and cookies, it's ready for a
full-featured replacement on small/old boxen.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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