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Re: ls sort

Hi Daniel,

I don't think this is possible with the the ls options. I use a function
specified in my /etc/profile:

ll () {
  ls -l --color=always "$@"|grep ^d |cat
  ls -l --color=always "$@"|egrep -v "^d|total\ [0-9]" |cat

This works like ls -l, but first gives directories, then other files.



* On Sun Oct 14, Daniel Jones wrote:
> I'm going to feel silly if this is as easy as it seems like
> it should be but after poring over the man pages I can't
> figure it out.
> Is it possible to have "ls" display contents with
> directories listed first, sorted alphabetically, then all
> other files, also sorted alphabetically?  None of the sort
> options (cftuSUX) seem to include the ability to sort by
> whether or not the file is a directory.

          Jesper Holmberg            |"But how can |
  jesper.holmberg@enst-bretagne.fr   | one be warm |
ENST Br, BP 832, 29285 Brest, FRANCE | alone?"     |

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