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Re: netscape and debian stable

on Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 05:31:07PM -0500, xucaen@yahoo.com (xucaen@yahoo.com) wrote:
> a very strange thing happened to my system today. I am running debian
> 2.2r3 and netscape 4.76. Everything ran fine until today when for no
> apparent reason Netscape began locking up my keyboard. The mouse still
> worked and all my running programs still worked, but no keyboard. This
> only happened when I ran netscape.
> Has this happened to anyone else or does anyone know what might be
> happening?

Netscape 4.x sucks.  It bites.  It blows.  It's shit.  Ditch it.

It's sometimes the most reasonable choice if your box has < 64 MB RAM 
or < PII processor, though dillo is faster (though less featureful) and
BrowseX may be a suitable replacement (though not packaged for Debian).

Otherwise, I'd strongly encourage you to look at Galeon, Konqueror,
Mozilla, or Skipstone as replacements.   Opera's there as well if you
can stomach proprietary software.

For more information, there's a review of GNU/Linux system browsers you
may find useful, at:


I occasionally see keyboard lockups under Galeon (or did in 0.11.5, not
now with 0.12.1).  Switching to a virtual console to kill the process
got things back for me.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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