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Re: fetchmail error

Just now fetchmail worked quickly again.  SMTP was also speedy (it was
very slow also).  I suspect the problem was at my ISP.  I suspect that
possibly fetchmail does a DNS lookup while getmail does not and
something was causing a delay in the response from my ISP's nameserver.


On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 10:22:29AM -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
> I have similar problems with version 5.5.3.  It seems to run fine with a low number of messages, but does not handle larger volumes well.  I have log output very similar to yours.  It looks to me as though it is waiting for confirmation from the server, while the server is waiting for some additional information.
> * Bob Nielsen (nielsen@oz.net) wrote:
> > With the latest woody version of fetchmail (5.9.0-4), fetchmail hangs
> > when trying to retrieve a message.  This just started a few days ago
> > after an upgrade.  I tried manually retrieving a message and also tried
> > getmail and was able to retrieve messages normally.  Here is a script
> > of what transpired:
>  <snip>
> Cam
> -- 
> Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
> >From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast
> camellison@dccnet.com
> cam@fleuryassociates.com
> -- 
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Bob Nielsen, N7XY                          nielsen@oz.net
Bainbridge Island, WA                      http://www.oz.net/~nielsen
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