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Re: CD device permissions to rip?

On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 11:50:51PM -0500, Jeremy Whetzel wrote:
> I'm trying to use cdparanoia to rip some CDs, but I can only seem to do
> it as root.  My permissions to /dev/cdrom are world read/write/execute.
> Same goes for /dev/scd0 (except writing for "others", which is turned
> off and I can't seem to change with a chmod +w /dev/scd0.)  I still get
> the message that there are "no accessable drives to jeremy" if I run it as
> my regular logon.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

I suspect that the answer to your query was posted a few days
back by Joachim Trinkwitz. Have a look in the archives of Sept 25.

(Sam Varghese)

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