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Re: kernel modules problems

I did, but I still get the same problem. Funny enough, I went ahead and installed the kernel, and the modules 'seem' to work okay, but I'm still concerned about that error message.

At 12:11 AM 9/26/2001 -0500, ktb wrote:
On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 12:38:53AM -0400, Bart Himel wrote:
> I've been a user of Debian for several years now.  Due to a problem with
> libc last week, I had to go through the pain of reinstalling
> everything.  Anyway, since then, every time I try to compile a new 2.4.x
> kernel, I get a message from depmod reporting dependency prioblems with
> almost ALL of my modules.  Am I missing some package essential to making
> kernel deb packages?  or is this simply another issue with gcc 2.95.x?

Did you upgrade modutils? linux/Documentation/Changes will tell you
which packages and versions you need to upgrade to.

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