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Re: offtopic: which text language to use?

On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 04:58:18PM -0400, David Z Maze wrote:
> Julio Merino <juli@merino.net> writes:
> JM> Is SGML a good choice?
> SGML/DocBook is probably a good choice, if those are your criteria.
> You can reasonably easily get from SGML to TeX DVI (and from there to
> PostScript and PDF), HTML, and RTF using jade.  There is some amount
> of customizability possible here.  You actually can do arbitrary
> things, but that means that the formatting language is Turing-complete
> (it's actually a dialect of Scheme), and so it's kind of tricky to do
> things that the stylesheet authors didn't anticipate you trying to do.
> LaTeX:
> -- Possible to define arbitrarily complicated macros; this can be good
>    or bad
> -- Converts to DVI or PDF, with DVI->PS conversion possible
> -- Several okay converters to text or HTML
> DocBook:
> -- Locked into structure of DTD
> -- Somewhat clumsier text structure
> -- Converts to JadeTeX (->DVI or PDF), HTML, RTF directly, with
>    customizable stylesheets
> LaTeX seems to be somewhat better supported in the academic community,
> at least; a lot of places seem to have people who have heard of and
> can use LaTeX, but are really squeamish about DocBook because it isn't
> particularly established.

Ok, thanks for your "tips". About LaTeX, I know the basics, but I'm not
an expert. About DocBook, I'm trying to learn it now.

I think I'll go with DocBook/XML. But I can't get jade working... It is
giving me errors. I'll post the errors here, because I think it is a
problem from my debian installation :?...

BTW, I prefer the XML structure to the latex one (to me, it is
clearer)... Maybe because I'm more used to it... ;)


> -- 
> David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
> "Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
> 	-- Abra Mitchell
> -- 
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Julio Merino <juli@merino.net> ICQ: 18961975

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