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System hang via SSH/scp and NFS


I have a strange problem in network:
when copying files via NFS or scp from OpenSSH, the sending machine
hangs randomly. It has woody (actual version) installed. I had the same
thing on the same machine but with FreeBSD 4.1 some time ago. As far as
I can say, the hang occurs when copying multimedia files. I noticed that
the following file types were involved:

-PCX pictures
-MPEG (movies and layer 3)

I do not think that it depends on file size, cos even large tarballs or
bzip2s make it, even if some GB of size. May this be a NIC error?

When working locally on that box, cp does not raise that error, thus I
presume it is not due some IDE errors or that. When working remotely,
the machine locks up totally, allowing no ping etc. When trying to do
anything locally after a net hang, the machine is dead. Under FreeBSD
the machine also rebooted just after a hang. Very strange.

Thank you,


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