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system time problem with potato?

i'm using the 2.2r0 CDs to install my debian box and i notice one
thing.  the dates of some files and directories are set hours ahead of
my cmos time.  files affected are the dynamically created ones like
linked files in "/dev", some files in "/var" and "/usr", and "/proc"
itself.  poking around i saw "/etc/init.d/hwclock.sh" which is
supposed to set my system clock from the hardware or cmos clock.  i
noticed that it is only run for runlevels S, 6, and 5 so i corrected
this and set it to run for all runlevels S and K.  this is according
to suggestions from hwclock(8) to have system time updated by the
hardware clock.

is there a bug with 2.2r0 at the start regarding system time or is
this somekind of fluke i'm seeing?

"Let the source be with you." -- Tux

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