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Can't access internet.

This is really bizarre! Last Friday I installed a new kernel (2.2.19), and have been unable to access the internet in any way since, despite the fact that dhcp-client connects with my ISP (cable) quite nicely. I cannot ping, use ftp, http, smtp, or anything else. I have not tried finger, figuring that it is pointless to do so. I can ping my internal network just fine.

Figuring I had screwed it up completely, I wiped my entire installation (well, most of it) and re-installed from the Libranet cdrom, with a stock 2.2.13, and then 2.2.17, which is what is in there now (it is customized). No difference.

Temporarily, I am getting my email onto my work laptop, but this cannot go on forever.

I thought it there might be errors in resolv.conf, but it seems fine - the nameserver addresses are correct (I cheked with my ISP). I do not have ipforwardng turned on, but the machine in question is the gateway, so that is not the problem.

At this point, I'm not sure where to start investigating. Would someone give me a clue or three, or ask the appropriate questions, please?



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