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Re: Voodoo3 on potato with X 3.3.6

On Tue, 2001-09-11 at 18:18, Richard Hector wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've searched the archives, and elsewhere, but all the useful info seems
> to be about installing with X 4 (which isn't in potato(?)), or on
> redhat, or occasionally on Debian by using redhat packages.
> Is there no way to get 3d from this card using standard debian packages
> on a stable installation?

IIRC, you need the device3dfx-source (with the correct packages that
depends =) and with this you build a kernel-module (correct me if i'm
wrong). This works only full-screen, but is a little faster than the
XFree 4.x...

It's very easy to build the module with kernel-package.


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