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Re: ide-smart and proactive drive monitoring

To answer my own question, the ucsc-smartutils package provides a SMART
monitoring daemon and another tool for also retrieving SMART statistics. I
guess I just need to employ one of the log watching tools to look for
errors from the daemon.

I still wouldn't mind a better understanding of the actual output,
smartctl produces something similar but in a different format:

Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
Revision Number: 11
Attribute                    Flag     Value Worst Threshold Raw Value
(  1)Raw Read Error Rate     0x0029   100   253   020       000000000000
(  3)Spin Up Time            0x0027   057   057   020       00000000153f
(  4)Start Stop Count        0x0032   100   100   008       000000000015
(  5)Reallocated Sector Ct   0x0033   100   100   020       000000000000
(  7)Seek Error Rate         0x000b   100   100   023       000000000000
(  9)Power On Hours          0x0012   094   094   001       0000000010af
( 10)Spin Retry Count        0x0026   100   100   020       000000000000
( 11)Unknown Attribute       0x0013   100   100   020       000000000000
( 12)Power Cycle Count       0x0032   100   100   008       000000000015
( 13)Unknown Attribute       0x000b   100   093   023       000000000000
(199)UDMA CRC Error Count    0x001a   200   200   000       000000000000
(196)Reallocated Event Count 0x0010   100   253   020       000000000000
(197)Current Pending Sector  0x0032   100   100   020       000000000000
(198)Offline Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   253   000       000000000000



On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Andrew Pollock wrote:

> Hi,
> It just crossed me as being a good idea (tm) to monitor my hard drives in case
> of imminent failure, and sure enough the ide-smart package exists. Cool. One
> problem, I have no idea how to read the output:
> daedalus:/usr/doc/ide-smart# ide-smart /dev/hda
> Id=  1, Status=41 {PreFailure , OffLine}, Value=100, Threshold= 20, Passed
> Id=  3, Status=39 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value= 57, Threshold= 20, Passed
> Id=  4, Status=50 {Advisory    , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold=  8, Passed
> Id=  5, Status=51 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold= 20, Passed
> Id=  7, Status=11 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold= 23, Passed
> Id=  9, Status=18 {Advisory    , OnLine }, Value= 94, Threshold=  1, Passed
> Id= 10, Status=38 {Advisory    , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold= 20, Passed
> Id= 11, Status=19 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold= 20, Passed
> Id= 12, Status=50 {Advisory    , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold=  8, Passed
> Id= 13, Status=11 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold= 23, Passed
> Id=199, Status=26 {Advisory    , OnLine }, Value=200, Threshold=  0, Passed
> Id=196, Status=16 {Advisory    , OffLine}, Value=100, Threshold= 20, Passed
> Id=197, Status=50 {Advisory    , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold= 20, Passed
> Id=198, Status=16 {Advisory    , OffLine}, Value=100, Threshold=  0, Passed
> OffLineStatus=0 {NeverStarted}, AutoOffLine=No, OffLineTimeout=0 minutes
> OffLineCapability=27 {Immediate Auto SuspendOnCmd}
> SmartRevision=11, CheckSum=189, SmartCapability=3 {SaveOnStandBy AutoSave}
> Does anyone know how to decipher it, or of any good SMART references?
> Andrew
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