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Re: The unwanted fish...

Yeah, this question shows up every now and then.  It's a Gnome easter egg.
It's just a kind of joke.  Every so often it just shows up.  It never hurts 
anything, it's just for fun.


On Wednesday 15 August 2001 16:08, Martin Fluch wrote:
> Hi!
> I know that this question was posted some time (some months) ago on this
> list (or debian-user), but I couldn't find the answer in the mailing list
> archives.
> I'm running unstable and (maybe) a month ago I spoted a fish swiming over
> my desktop from left to right, just a small one, just once. Today again.
> Does anybody know where this fish is coming from? (I'm a little bit
> confused, since I have never requested it and have no idea, how this
> little beast comes on my desktop.)
> Thanxs for any hint :-)
> - Martin

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