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Re: Cloning servers

One way to create a "mostly" identical server (in the sense that it
has the same packages installed as the original) is to do
dpkg --get-selections > mydebs
on the original server, and
dpkg --setselections < mydebs
on the cloned server.  (Or, if you are extra clever, pipe this over the network :P ).
This, obviously, requires no shutdown.


On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 11:41:47AM -0300, Jordi S . Bunster wrote:
> I've got a Debian box running a lot of services, so there's lots of
> disk activity. I was thinking about cloning it (the server) to a
> redundant one, identical to the other. Just wondering .... Is there a
> way to do this in a sane way while the system is running? Or should I
> just power off and use dd?

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