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RE: lilo does not work!

hi ya Mike

LI usually means it cannot find all the data from your disks..
	- check that your bios recognizes your hard disks...
	- check if your disk has "big-disk jumper"
	- what is the contents of your lilo.conf ??

- its probably NOT a lilo problem...
	- typically installed/short-cut by the installer from cdrom etc
	- your system booted once upon a time with the prev kernel...

- copy the new kernel to new floppy and see if it boots...

- if things boots from floppy...
	- you'd need to doublecheck experiment with "large disks"
	jumpers on the disk and the bios settings

	- you'd also need to experiment with lba, linear options
	in /etc/lilo.conf

- make sure you have a bootable/working floppy disk...so that you
  boot your system .... and fix the problem and try booting from
  hard disk again

c ya

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Gilger.John wrote:

> This usually happens when you don't run 'make bzlilo' after compiling
> your new kernal.
> All I had to do when this happened to me was edit my /etc/lilo.conf file
> to make sure everything was still the way I wanted it and run 'lilo'.
> John Gilger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike McGuire [mailto:mjm19@po.cwru.edu]
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 05:07 PM
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: lilo does not work!
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 05:18:58PM -0300, Miguel Griffa wrote:
> > Hi
> > from the manual:
> >   LI   The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage
> boot
> >      loader, but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused
> by a
> >      geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the
> map
> >      installer.
> > 
> > could it be possible that you miss a step in compile/install kern?
> > 
> > At 10:00 p.m. 30/07/01 +0200, Markus Hansen wrote:
> > >hi guys
> > >i tried to install a 2.2.19 kernel inseead of a 2.2.17.
> > >after booting it sayed
> > >LI
> > >LI
> > >LI
> > >etc.
> Seems to me this is a fairly widespread problem, as I'm getting it 
> too, but with kernel 2.4.7. I've read through the bugreport (here: 
> http://bugs.debian.org/105788 ) and someone thought that there was 
> an issue with the newer kernels handling the disk geometry in some 
> new way that messed things up (the former problem in the manual in 
> the previous message). However, I've tried booting an older (2.2.17)
> kernel and running lilo under that with no success, so I personally 
> think there's a problem with lilo, which I can't check because there 
> isn't an older version still on debian's ftp servers. I've also 
> tried playing with the BIOS settings, lilo options like lba32, but 
> that hasn't done anything. Right now I'm booting the new kernel off
> a floppy (which isn't too painfully slow with a superdisk drive, heh)
> Loading the kernel off the floppy and mounting the root fs from the 
> hard drive works fine. So I tried just using the floppy to point to 
> a kernel on the HD, but that didn't work.
> So, as I see it, those of us with the problem are stuck booting from 
> floppies unless they've got some other working install, and waiting 
> for someone who knows better to figure out what's going on. Joy. :-/

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