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NFS - file systems always read-only despite "rw,no_root_squash" and "mount -o rw"

I'm having a problem with my NFS server on a Debian 2.2 system.

I've got a fresh installation of Debian on an old Pentium, on a LAN with the nfs-server package running.  I have an export in /etc/exports set to be read-write without root squashing and mounted it read-write on another computer on the LAN.  But when I try to write anything to the mounted filesystem on the client I get the error message "Read-only file system."  It doesn't matter whether I'm a regular user or whether I'm root, I can't write anything to the mount.  Even when I mount the export locally I can't write to it.  I ensured that the export is indeed mounted rw by typing 'mount' to list the mounts.

Here is my /etc/exports file:
/     *.lan(rw,no_root_squash,nohide)
/usr  *.lan(rw,no_root_squash,nohide)
/home *.lan(rw,no_root_squash,nohide)

(The nohides are there so that when I mount "/" it recursively mounts "/usr" and "/home".)

This is the command I issue to mount the "/" export locally and remotely:

mount -t nfs -o rw gateway:/ /mnt

This is the entry that appears when I type "mount" to see that the file system is mounted rw:

gateway:/ on /mnt type nfs (rw,addr=

This is what appears in /var/log/syslog when I mount the filesystem:

Jul 31 11:39:29 gateway mountd[2373]: NFS mount of / attempted from 
Jul 31 11:39:29 gateway mountd[2373]: / has been mounted by 

My version of nfs-server is 2.2beta47.

Any idea what I am doing wrong that's causing my NFS server to provide just read-only access?  I am able to mount other NFS shares read-write on other systems not running Debian, so I don't think it's a problem with "mount".

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


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