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Re: Informazione

On 30 Jul 2001 21:18:09 +0200, nids@libero.it wrote:
> Salve vorrei sapere se il sistema Debian supporta la scheda grafica
> "Voodoo 5 5500 AGP ". in modo tale da visualizzare un interfaccia 
> grafica.
> La prego cortesemente di rispondermi.

If you use english in this list you have better chances to have an
answer (if you look around you will find debian-italian or something
like this). I think the Voodoo 5 is supported, 2D for sure, but IIRC,
the 3D driver don't use all the chipset of the card, but i could be

FYI i'm using a Voodoo 3...


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