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Problems with compiling alsadriver


I can't compile the alsadriver with my new kernel 2.2.19.
Under the kernel 2.2.17pre, I could do it right

I get the following text on the sreen:

-I/tmp/kernel-source-2.2.19/include -l.. DEXPORT_SYMTAB-c persist.c
In file include from persist.c:23:
../include/driver.h:143: warning: `init_MUTEX'redefined.
/tmp/kernel-source-2.2.19/include/asm/semaphore.h:44: warning: this is
the location of the previous definition
../include/driver.h:144: warning: `DECLARE_MUTEX'redefined.
/tmp/kernel-source-2.2.19/include/asm/semaphore.h:46: warning: this is
the location of the previous definition
../include/driver.h:147: warning: `init_waitqueue_head'redefined.
/tmp/kernel-source-2.2.19/include/linux/wait.h:25: warning: this is the
location of the previous definition
In file include from persist.c:23:
../include/driver.h:145: warning: redefinition of`wait_queue_t'
/tmp/kernel-source-2.2.19/include/linux/wait.h:19: `wait_queue_t
previously declared here
../include/driver.h:146: warning: redefinition of `wait_queue_head_t
/tmp/kernel-source-2.2.19/include/linux/wait.h:20: `wait_queue_head_t'
previously declared here
make[2]:***[persist.o] Fout 1
make   : Weggaan uit map 1/tmp/modules/alsadriver/kernel'
make[1]:***[compile] Fout 1
make[1]: Weggaan uit map 1/tmp/modules/alsadriver'
make:***[binary-modules] fout 2

Maybe someone knows what's the problem, I can't figure it out.


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