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mrtg 2-9.17

it seems to me that when u upgrade to mrtg 2-9-17 it rewrites the mrtg file, and mrtg will not work,  if u edit the line to fix the problem and then add a new site to mrtg -  mrtg will not run.
looks like the better one to run is the mrtg ver 2-9-10
can someone else verify this for me, and if they can come up with a fix.
    # lets make sure that there are not two mrtgs running in parallel.
    # so we lock on the cfg file. Nothing fancy, just a lockfile

         my @cfgfile = split(/\//, $cfgfile);
    my $lockfile;
    if (defined $opts{"lock-file"}) {
        $lockfile = $opts{"lock-file"};
    } else {
#       $lockfile = $cfgfile."_l";
             $lockfile = "/var/lock/mrtg/" . join('_', @cfgfile) . "_l";
#    my $templock = $lockfile."_" . $$ ;
    my $templock = "/var/lock/mrtg/" . join('_', @cfgfile) . "_l_" . $$ ;

    debug('base', "Creating Lockfiles $lockfile,$templock");

    debug('base', "Reading Config File: $cfgfile");
    # lets make sure that there are not two mrtgs running in parallel.
    # so we lock on the cfg file. Nothing fancy, just a lockfile

         my @cfgfile = split(/\//, $cfgfile);
    my $lockfile;
    if (defined $opts{"lock-file"}) {
        $lockfile = $opts{"lock-file"};
    } else {
#       $lockfile = $cfgfile."_l";
             $lockfile = "/var/lock/mrtg/" . join('_', @cfgfile) . "_l";
#    my $templock = $lockfile."_" . $$ ;
    my $templock = "/var/lock/mrtg/" . join('_', @cfgfile) . "_l_" . $$ ;

    debug('base', "Creating Lockfiles $lockfile,$templock");     

    debug('base', "Reading Config File: $cfgfile");

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