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Re: New-to-Debian

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:52:53AM +1000, K.P wrote:
> Hello, I am NEW to the world of Linux and Debian has come
> higly recommended in Australia for its versatility. I have not
> tried it yet and I hope to gain some feedback as to whether
> Debian is appropriate for new users.

it depends on the newbie.

if you have an enquiring mind and are willing to let go of
prejudices you've learned elsewhere, welcome to the club.
(but if you want others to stop what they're doing and hold your
hand, then go 'way.)

if you're totally new to linux, debian is just about as pure an
instance as you can get. and the community here is pretty
awesome, too. other distributions are called friendlier, but i
hear they achieve that name tag via a slick gui that hides
what's going on behind the scenes.

if you want to learn -- and learn lots -- debian will give you
hours of fun. we're glad to have you with us.* (and maybe you can
help us develop a slick gui that'll hide the innards from future
newbies. hmm?)

*when i say 'us' i mean debian-user mailing recipients. i'm not
an official member of the debian team, but that's not gonna stop
me from contributing my two cents here and there. anyone who's
got fire-in-the-belly can pitch in around here.

DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #8 from Will Trillich <will@serensoft.com>
Search for Debian PACKAGES online with this shortcut:
If you can't find it right off, just hop to the "search packages"
link that's offered there.

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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