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Through fortuitous means, I just acquired a DVD player!

I've looked at the DVD HOWTO and it recommends a whole bunch
of software from the LiVID project.

Is any of this software packaged up for Debian/unstable anywhere?

I don't  mind building it by hand, but not if there's packages out
there.  I couldn't find them though...


: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: gossamer@tertius.net.au   http://www.tertius.net.au/~gossamer/
: The most beautiful people I have known are those who have known
: total defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and have found their way
: out of the depths.  These people have an appreciation, a
: sensitivity, radiate an understanding of life that fills them
: with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern ...
: without saying a word.  -- Roy Nichols

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