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Re: CUPS and LJ (was Re: LaserJet Plus and Samba)

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 09:29:52AM -0400, Alan Shutko wrote:
| D-Man <dsh8290@rit.edu> writes:
| > That's a nice idea . . . now where do I find such a thing?
| You can probably find one in
| ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/printerdrivers/win/all/ppdfiles/ .  Docs

I found several, I'll try them out later.  Unfortunately they are
"self-extracting (win)zip" archives =p.  At least I have access to a
PC to extract them on and then make a proper tarball ;-).

| on the PPD format are probably somewhere on Adobe's site, though I've
| never really done any modification on the one for my LJ2100M.

FYI, Adobe's search engine sucks.  Use google's instead.
"documentation specification PPD" turns up the proper part of Adobe's
site as the first hit.

BTW I found a set of PPD files on  linuxprinting.org
(http://www.linuxprinting.org/all-com-ppds.tar.gz) and maybe one or
more of those will help too.


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