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Re: [users] Mail from OE to linux--Thanks!

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 05:32:55PM -0700, pmackinney@home.com wrote:
| Thanks to all who replied. Your sapient advice has gotten me up and
| running. This reply is being composed in mutt, somehow it seems to 
| have known to use vim as the editor and I'm not complaining.

It is probably in your $EDITOR or $VISUAL environment variable.  You
can specify the editor in the .muttrc like (a couple related options
shown too):

    set editor=vim
    set visual=gvim
    set autoedit=yes # skips prompt of headers when replying
    set pager=less
    set indent_string = "| "

| (I learned ed, ex, and vi in '82 and emacs is a hobby that can wait ;-)
| Some notes for those who follow in my shoes, and especially for those
| who intend to write the newbie doc:
| 1. MacOS and Windows users just don't expect their PC to be a
| mailserver; they expect a POP3 client to fetch and send mail. Note that
| the Mutt manual claims that it supports this if you compile it with the
| pop option, see Chapter 4.10 of the mutt manual. So one could
| theoretically get by with just fetchmail and mutt. However...

Mutt supports POP -- I use it at work all the time (I don't know if
fetchmail works on a cygwin box, I haven't tried).  Mutt does NOT
support SMTP so you can't send mail out unless you have a helper
program (an MTA).  ssmtp is a great program because, unlike exim or
sendmail, it is very simple.  The difference is that it exists
solely/primarily so that programs like mutt can send mail out to a
real SMTP server.  It doesn't try to be a complete MTA.

| 2. Since every Linux box is multiuser and exim is installed by default,
| newbie docs should plunge in and have the user configure exim. Option 2
| worked as advertised for me.

I think it would be better to have newbie docs talk about ssmtp
instead because it is much easier to set up, and if they are comming
from a Mac/Win background they aren't expecting any more functionality
than what it provide.


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