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msttcorefonts package and X fonts?

I've been trying to get anti-aliased fonts working in X, and as part of that
effort, I've installed the msttcorefonts package, containing a selection of
handy TrueType fonts. Unfortunately, msttcorefonts doesn't use defoma
(there's a bug open on that, tho), and consequently I can't seem to
access those fonts through the normal X mechanisms (xfontsel, etc.).

Does anyone know of a workaround to incorporate those fonts into X in the 
absence of defoma support in-package? I have already done the following:

-ensured that the line 

dir "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"

is in XftConfig

-run mkttfdir in /usr/share/fonts/truetype

Geoffrey M. Romer
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right"
                                                          -Salvor Hardin
"I can't leave you alone with this man! He might be a tenor!"
                                                          -Fred Astaire

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