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Re: [OT] sendmail FEATURE access_db - configuration help needed

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 01:25:33PM +0800, Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Jimmy Richards wrote:
> > 	Greetings GNU/Linuxer's,
> >
> > 	I am hoping someone might be able to help me with the access_db
> > feature in sendmail. Here's what I did to try and get it to work. I
> > made a file /etc/mail/access containing one line followed by a newline,
> > is the newline ok to have in there? (username changed to protect the
> > guilty)
> >
> > spammer@yahoo.com       REJECT
> Okay you NEED to have:
> localhost                       RELAY
>                       RELAY
> in the file as well
> > makemap hash access < access
> >
> > Then I edited my sendmail.mc(inserted at bottom of this message) and
> > ran sendmailconfig and said 'Y' to use the current sendmail.mc file.
> > The config ran with no errors. Then I said yes to restart sendmail with
> > the new config. Then I wrote myself an e-mail and tried to send it off.
> > But the mailq command said 'Connection refused by localhost'....
> Add those lines and do all that agin.
> Yours Tony.
> /*
>  * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the
>  * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
>  * --Albert Einstein
>  */

	Hi Tony,

	I just woke up and received your reply. I'll be doing as you say.
I'm also to change the first line as follows...

spammer@yahoo.com		ERROR:"550 - I don't accept mail from spammers"
localhost               RELAY				RELAY

because I read that that is supposed to work and I like it a little more
than just a general error message, which is what I guess would be sent
with the REJECT.

	Thanks A Million Tony!

	Jimmy Richards
	Denver, CO USA

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