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Re: NO! chmod strikes! -- ooopss

On 8 Jul 2001, David Z Maze wrote:

> Alvin Oga <aoga@Mail.Linux-Consulting.com> writes:
> AO> if you only wanted to change the local dot files... oh well...
> AO> we all learn and remember the hard way... :-)
> AO> 	shoulda been:  chmod pattern  ~/.*
> ...which will still catch ~/. and ~/.., which you don't want.

yeah... oooppss....  was just merrily typing ...

sorry for the boo-boo .. hope nobody ran that command

chmod pattern .[a-z]*
	.bashrc, .bash_history, .bash_profile, .login, .profile,
	.rhosts,  etc...  

	but than again...that will change the .elm, .netscape too
	so you'd need more twiddling 

and if ya make a mistake or afraid to run a command...
backup the stuff first...than try it... or read up first..
if it gets broken....take advantage of it..and try to fix it...

learning new ways to break things and fix things is sometimes fun ??

have fun linuxing

> (Particularly as root, whose home directory is conventionally /root;
> /root/.. is the system root directory, which gets you back into the
> same mess that you started as.)
> A good reminder: if you're not sure about what you're doing, it's a
> good idea to (a) not run them as a priviledged user (root) without
> checking first, and (b) check commands you're not sure of by putting
> 'echo' on the front first to see what the shell will turn them into.
> -- 
> David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
> "Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
> 	-- Abra Mitchell
> -- 
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