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Re: Swapping /usr and /

hi ya dave...

no, am agreeing with you...

dont need rescue disk, unless something goes wrong..
but am adding that the rescue disk should be standalone with
its own root fs so that things can be fixed
	( if its not stand alone... its not a rescue disk 
	( but a mere "boot disk" which is NOT what we need here 
	( boot disks needs a working root fs plus all its goodies

and yes.. lilo needs to be re-run since things been moved around

have fun linuxing

On 8 Jul 2001, Dave Carrigan wrote:

> Alvin Oga <aoga@Mail.Linux-Consulting.com> writes:
> > hi ya dave, original poster
> > 
> > the "rescue disk" must be standalone .. because
> > the current / fs might be corrupted during the copying for stuff around...
> > 	or your a live cdrom will do the trick too
> I have gone to single user mode and moved / to a different partition
> many times, and I have never had to do it by booting from a rescue disk.
> The only thing that may get "corrupted" is the lilo boot record, and
> it's not really corrupted, it's just that the kernel sectors are no
> longer in the place the boot record thinks they were. That is why I
> included lilo as one of the steps.
> To repeat: there is absolutely no need for a rescue disk, except to bail
> yourself out if something elso goes wrong.
> Perhaps you are thinking of resizing partitions (i.e., with parted). In
> that case, you need to boot from something other than /, because the
> partition to be resized cannot be mounted.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Dave Carrigan (dave@rudedog.org)            | Yow! LOOK!!  Sullen American
> UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | teens wearing MADRAS shorts and
> Seattle, WA, USA                            | ``Flock of Seagulls'' HAIRCUTS!
> http://www.rudedog.org/                     | 
> -- 
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