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Re: [users] Harddrives not mounting properly

On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 02:21:31AM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
> You may also 
>  addgroup dos
>  grep dos /etc/group  # say it is 123
> Then put these options in /etc/fstab:
>  rw,gid=123,umask=002,mode=770
> For any $user that is allowed write access:
>  adduser $user dos

or better don't add $user to group dos, but instead put a simple
password on group dos and have any user that needs to write do:

   $ sg dos
   $ do-whatever-needed-write-access-to-windows-partition
   $ exit

or even better

   $ sg -c whatever-needed-write-access-to-windows-partition

This way it's easy to have the windows partition only writable for
the duration of the one command that needed it, and fully write
protected otherwise.

The password thing in this case is not primarilly for securety
reasons, it's there to make it possible for non-group members to
become one temporarily.  On the other hand, the part of not being a
group member upon login *is* a securety measure.

With this setup my kids can easily move their drawings to and from the
windows partition [still needed for optimal printing results:(] and at
the same time the windows partition is protected from most silly
mistakes. They know to take special care when using the sg trick,
as do I.

groetjes, carel

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