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[OT] ncurses

hey list,

i'm trying to write interface between ncurses and sockets for server side split
screen. my problem is that the mud has only socket descriptor to send and
receive all the data from each of the players, but ncurses require two FILE
descriptors to work properly. i tried various [dirty] hacks to make it work,
short of using temporary file for the output, and then sending the contents of
the file to the players.

i'm sure that there is someone else who hit the same problem at some point, and
that there some ellegant solution for this.

so i would greatly appreciate any help/example that you may have. :)


                                   ' '(>~<)' '
    Petr [Dingo] Dvorak                                 dingo@pdragon.org
    Coder - Purple Dragon MUD                       pdragon.org port 3333
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
      Debian version 2.2.18pre21, up 9:35, 10 users, load average: 1.00

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