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Re: Which web server for multiple domains?

AFAIK (and I didn't see documentaion on BOA's site) BOA does not support
Virtual Hosting (what you are talking about). I'm sure some other
httpd's support it, but I _know_ apache does (as I run it).


I'm quite happy with Apache, and there is a lot of functionality you
actually might find useful. It really isn't that hard to setup/maintain
either. The documentation is a blessing :)


On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 10:03:24PM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:
> I've been using the web server Boa, and generally it has done a good job
> without using up too much memory or CPU time. The one thing it doesn't
> do that I now need is to host multiple domains as logically-distinct
> sites. E.g. if someone requests www.domain1.com (not my real domain
> name, btw), I want a different page to come up than if they request
> www.domain2.com, even though the DNS addresses for those sites are
> identical. From the docs, I think Boa could do it if the two sites were
> served through separate network interfaces, but that's not the case
> here. There's one network interface, and the only difference between
> www.domain1.com and www.domain2.com is the domain in the URL (which I
> believe HTTP does provide to the server, so the server should be able
> to differentiate based on it).
> Does anyone know if Boa can do this, or if any of the other servers
> could? (I daresay AOLServer or Apache could, but I'd rather go with a
> smaller, simpler server if it will do what I need).
> Thanks,
> Craig
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