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Re: unable to install woody - template/apt/dpkg errors

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 05:58:16PM +0100, mark wrote:
| So my best bet wood to put potato back on and just upgrade to woody, as
| i only really want XFree86-4.0.3, gnome 1.2 or 1.4 and mozilla 0-9.1 and
| to be able to run evolution-0.10

That's what I would recommend.  I did have a few difficulties with the
upgrade :

    o apt/dpkg complained about versions and dependencies while
      upgrading libc6 and libstdc++ ; the -f (force) option solved

    o dpkg died a few times (returned error code 1 or something like
      that).  'dpkg --configure -a' must be run before apt can be run
      again (it tells you that).  Of course, since the upgrade isn't
      complete and the dependencies aren't all met you get lots of
      errors.  Simply kill it (^C) and run apt again

    eventually you will get all the packages installed and they will
    work fine (at least, they did for me :-))

    o next you will find that a few things are missing :

      those aren't in woody at the moment


      these get lost in the "don't upgrade what isn't already there"
      feature of apt.  No problem, just 'apt-get install' them as
      usual.  xserver-xfree86 has X4 in it, xbase-clients has startx.
      X4 works flawlessly for me (better than X3 because I don't need
      the "no_accel" option, though occasionally it takes a bit of CPU
      and loses mouse interrupts).  GNOME 1.4 is excellent (I can now
      use my own account with X because it understands my old config
      files which were made with GNOME 1.2 on RH7).

      Run 'XFree86 -configure' first to get a rough outline of an
      XF86Config file, then integrate your old tweaks and
      customizations to get the video card to work right.  The syntax
      is almost identical and the differences are obvious.

| (iam not too fused about kernel 2.4 as i have nothing that takes
| advantage of it yet

I downloaded the kernel but didn't install it yet because I need some
time to ensure it will work right.  The incompatible modutils means
there's no turning back!  (Then I need to build a custom kernel to set
up a diskless term, but that's a project for another week)

If you run into any trouble, just ask (on-list ;-)) because it's
probably been seen before.  It took a little work, but not too much
(less than installing stuff or upgrading to a new devel release of
GNOME on RH), for me to get woody installed.


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