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RE: Samba: Can't Rename the Log File

Hi palme,
I don't know anything about the debian distribution, but just to make 
sure that this isn't some issue with debian standard log directory, and 
log rollover, or wierd permission issues, maybe you could try this;
create a directory called /sambalog  and open it wide up;
chmod 777 /sambalog
Then change your log file entry in smb.conf to be
log file = /sambalog/log.%m

and see if you still get the problem with samba not being able to 
rename the logfiles...

Just a thought; maybe we can get some more data to lead us this way...

-----Original Message-----
From: palme@uni-wuppertal.de [mailto:palme@uni-wuppertal.de]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 6:37 AM
Cc: 'palme@uni-wuppertal.de'; debian-user@lists.debian.org; Samba Liste;
Subject: RE: Samba: Can't Rename the Log File

>>>>> "dm" == HP-USA,ex1  <MCCALL> writes:

 dm> Hi;
 dm> you may want to check the PATH to the log file as well; perhaps 
 dm> there is not the appropriate execute permission to allow samba to 
 dm> traverse /var or /var/log to GET to the smb file that has write

If you mean the execute permission of the directorys: They are

# ll / | grep var
drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root         1024 Nov 21  2000 var
# ll /var/ | grep log
drwxr-xr-x    8 root     root         5120 Jun 22 12:28 log
# ll /var/log/smb
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          117 Jun 22 12:28 /var/log/smb

Otherwise smbd wouldn't be able to write to it, but it does.

 dm> Hope this helps,

No, sorry.

What could be the reason for smbd to be able to write but not to
rename the log file????

I now did it by hand and set "max log size" to 10. Let's see what

Hubert Palme         Bergische Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal
                                      Computing  Center
                                      D-42097 Wuppertal
E-Mail: palme@uni-wuppertal.de             (Germany)
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