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Re: I simply don't understand



As a matter of fact the 'poor' gnuhtml2tex package is responsible of

In fact, when I installed it all was ok. 

Later on, while rebooting the system, a hard-disk error popped up
(before mounting the filesystem) halting the PC irremediably;
rebooting again, debian, shifting to single user, warned that the
filesystem had to be fsck'ed. I did it so answering 'yes' to the many
requests of fixing the corrupted clusters.

This is the reason why in the messed up /etc/motd (many thanks to
Aquila who privately gave me the right hint!) I now find this strange

Now my question is:

Where, in what package can I find the correct /etc/motd file?


Vittorio [14/06/01 23:44 +0000]:
> I've installed gnuhtml2latex and other related latex software. No
> problems have come out during and after installation.
> But now when I reboot my laptop at the very beginning of the login
> this message comes up invariably (by the way, in the meantime I've
> deinstalled all those packages to no avail):
> ======================================================================
> debian login: root
> Password:
> Last login ..............
> Linux debian 2.2.19 ................
> priority: optional
> section: text
> Installed-Size: 22
> Maintainer: Tomasz Wegrzanowski ......
> Version: 0.1
> Depends: perl5, libhtml-parser-perl
> Description: A perl script that converts html files to latex
>  gnuhtml2latex is a perl script that converts html files to latex
> files. It takes list of
> ======================================================================
> I've never come across such an error.
> What should I do?
> Ciao
> Vittorio
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