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Re: app for making cards?

on Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 10:03:22AM -0700, Ron Farrer (rbf@farrer.net) wrote:
> Anyone know of an app that will make calling/business cards? I've
> searched freshmeat, linuxapps, google, etc. and none of the results
> were exactly what I want. Basically there are 2 columns, 5 rows on
> each 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper. I would like to create an image (via
> the gimp or whatever) and put this image in the correct spot in 10
> places on the sheet. I don't want to create 10 images and put them
> manually in the right places. Something that will work with avery
> stock #5371 (or similar) would be perfect. Does anyone have any ideas?


Sample templates attached, including my own modifications of one of
these.   Note that it wants a small 

I found them by Google searching "latex business card".

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/         http://www.kuro5hin.org
% Psfig/TeX Release 1.2
% dvips version
% All software, documentation, and related files in this distribution of
% psfig/tex are Copyright 1987, 1988 Trevor J. Darrell
% Permission is granted for use and non-profit distribution of psfig/tex 
% providing that this notice be clearly maintained, but the right to
% distribute any portion of psfig/tex for profit or as part of any commercial
% product is specifically reserved for the author.
% $Header: psfig.tex,v 1.9 88/01/08 17:42:01 trevor Exp $
% $Source: $
% Thanks to Greg Hager (GDH) and Ned Batchelder for their contributions
% to this project.
% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
% This file was modified by Yves Schabes (schabes@linc.cis.upenn.edu) .
% March, 1991
% It is an extension to Trevor's psfig package. It is identical
% to psfig except that it has an additional option which scales the
% figure.
% The scale option specifies the scale (in percentage) at which the
% figure should be drawn, and will allocate the corresponding amount of
% space. The argument to scale should be an integer. The scale option
% overwrites the height and width options.
% \psfig
% usage : \psfig{figure=,scale=, height=, width=,
%                 bbllx=, bblly=, bburx=, bbury=,
%			rheight=, rwidth=, clip=}
% "clip=" is a switch and takes no value, but the `=' must be present.
% N.B. bounding boxes must be specified in the file
% Here are some examples:
% same size
% \psfig{figure=foo.ps,scale=100} 
% half the size 
% \psfig{figure=foo.ps,scale=50} 
% double size 
% \psfig{figure=foo.ps,scale=200} 
% height = 3cm, width scaled to the height
% \psfig{figure=foo.ps,height=3.0cm} 
% width = 3cm, height scaled to the width
% \psfig{figure=foo.ps,width=3.0cm} 
% width = 3cm, height = 2.0cm 
% \psfig{figure=foo.ps,width=3.0cm,height=2.0cm} 

\typeout{psfig/tex 1.2-dvips}

%% Here's how you define your figure path.  Should be set up with null
%% default and a user useable definition.


% @psdo control structure -- similar to Latex @for.
% I redefined these with different names so that psfig can
% be used with TeX as well as LaTeX, and so that it will not 
% be vunerable to future changes in LaTeX's internal
% control structure,
\def\@psdo#1:=#2\do#3{\edef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@psdoloop#1,#2,#3\@@#4#5{\def#4{#1}\ifx #4\@nnil \else
       #5\def#4{#2}\ifx #4\@nnil \else#5\@ipsdoloop #3\@@#4{#5}\fi\fi}
\def\@ipsdoloop#1,#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil 
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
\def\@tpsdo#1:=#2\do#3{\xdef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@tpsdoloop#1#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil 
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
	%\typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space . }
	%\typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space . }
%%% These are for the option list.
%%% A specification of the form a = b maps to calling \@p@@sa{b}

%%% GDH 7/26/87 -- changed so that it first looks in the local directory,
%%% then in a specified global directory for the ps file.

			\ifeof1\typeout{Error, File #1 not found}
			\ifeof1\typeout{Error, File #1 not found}

		%\typeout{bbllx is #1}
		%\typeout{bblly is #1}
		%\typeout{bburx is #1}
		%\typeout{bbury is #1}
		%\typeout{Scale is \@p@sscale}
		%\typeout{Height is \@p@sheight}
		%\typeout{Width is #1}
		%\typeout{Reserved height is #1}
		%\typeout{Reserved width is #1}
\def\@cs@name#1{\csname #1\endcsname}
% initialize the defaults (size the size of the figure)
		\@bbllxfalse \@bbllyfalse
		\@bburxfalse \@bburyfalse
		\@heightfalse \@widthfalse
		\@rheightfalse \@rwidthfalse
% Go through the options setting things up.
% Compute bb height and width
		\typeout{psfig: searching \@p@sfile \space  for bounding box}
		\read\ps@stream to \line@in
		\ifeof\ps@stream \not@eoffalse \fi
		%\typeout{ looking at :: \the\toks200 }
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\long\def\bb@cull#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 {
	\dimen100=#2 bp\edef\@p@sbbllx{\number\dimen100}
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	\dimen100=#5 bp\edef\@p@sbbury{\number\dimen100}
		\if@bbllx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
		\if@bblly \else \no@bbtrue \fi
		\if@bburx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
		\if@bbury \else \no@bbtrue \fi
		\ifno@bb \bb@missing \fi
		\ifno@bb \typeout{FATAL ERROR: no bb supplied or found}
		\advance\count203 by -\@p@sbbllx
		\advance\count204 by -\@p@sbblly
		%\typeout{ bbh = \@bbh, bbw = \@bbw }
% \in@hundreds performs #1 * (#2 / #3) correct to the hundreds,
%	then leaves the result in @result
\def\in@hundreds#1#2#3{\count240=#2 \count241=#3
		     \count100=\count240	% 100 is first digit #2/#3
		     \divide\count100 by \count241
		     \multiply\count101 by \count241
		     \advance\count240 by -\count101
		     \multiply\count240 by 10
		     \count101=\count240	%101 is second digit of #2/#3
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		     \multiply\count102 by \count241
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		     \multiply\count240 by 10
		     \count102=\count240	% 102 is the third digit
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			\multiply\count201 by \count100
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			\divide\count201 by 10
			\multiply\count201 by \count101
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		% computing : width = height * (bbw / bbh)
		%\typeout{ \@p@sheight * \@bbw / \@bbh, = \@result }
		%\typeout{w from h: width is \@p@swidth}
		% computing : height = width * (bbh / bbw)
		%\typeout{ \@p@swidth * \@bbh / \@bbw = \@result }
		%\typeout{h from w : height is \@p@sheight}
%% yves
		%\typeout{computewfroms: scale is \@p@sscale}	
		% computing : width = scale * (bbw / 100)
		%\typeout{ \@p@sscale * \@bbw / 100, = \@result }
		%\typeout{w from s: width is \@p@swidth}
		%\typeout{computehfroms: scale is \@p@sscale}	
		% computing : height = scale * (bbh / 100)
		%\typeout{ \@p@sscale * \@bbh / 100 = \@result }
		%\typeout{h from s : height is \@p@sheight}
%			\edef\@p@sheight{\@bbh}
%			\edef\@p@swidth{\@bbw}
%% finish
		\if@rheight \else \edef\@p@srheight{\@p@sheight} \fi
		\if@rwidth \else \edef\@p@srwidth{\@p@swidth} \fi
% Compute any missing values
% \psfig
% usage : \psfig{file=, height=, width=, bbllx=, bblly=, bburx=, bbury=,
%			rheight=, rwidth=, clip=}
% "clip=" is a switch and takes no value, but the `=' must be present.
\def\psfig#1{\vbox {
	% do a zero width hard space so that a single
	% \psfig in a centering enviornment will behave nicely
	%{\setbox0=\hbox{\ }\ \hskip-\wd0}
			\typeout{psfig: including \@p@sfile \space }
		\special{ps::[begin] 	\@p@swidth \space \@p@sheight \space
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				\@p@sbburx \space \@p@sbbury \space
				startTexFig \space }
			\special{ps:: doclip \space }
		    \special{ps: plotfile \@prologfileval \space } \fi
		\special{ps: plotfile \@p@sfile \space }
		    \special{ps: plotfile \@postlogfileval \space } \fi
		\special{ps::[end] endTexFig \space }
		% Create the vbox to reserve the space for the figure
		\vbox to \@p@srheight true sp{
			\hbox to \@p@srwidth true sp{
		% draft figure, just reserve the space and print the
		% path name.
		\vbox to \@p@srheight true sp{
			\hbox to \@p@srwidth true sp{
\def\psglobal{\typeout{psfig: PSGLOBAL is OBSOLETE; use psprint -m instead}}

% bus_card.tex, Brian Moses [moses@ms.uky.edu], October '95
% further modified by Charles Danforth [danforth@pha.jhu.edu], January 2000


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE USER SPECIFIC MACROS BELOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\Who     {Charles W. Danforth}
\def\What    {Graduate Student}
\def\Where   {Department of Physics and Astronomy}
\def\Address {3400 N. Charles St.}
\def\CityZip {Baltimore, MD 21218}
\def\Email   {danforth@pha.jhu.edu}
\def\TEL     {(410) 516-6480}
\def\FAX     {}
\def\URL     {http://www.pha.jhu.edu/$\sim$danforth} % NOTE: use $\sim$ for tilde

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MARGINS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\textwidth       7.00in
\textheight     10.50in
%\textheight      4.50in
\oddsidemargin   -.25in
\evensidemargin  -.25in
\topmargin      -0.90in
\itemindent      0.00in
\parindent       0.00in

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BUSINESS CARD MACRO [\card] BELOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
          \hspace*{.55in} JOHNS HOPKINS \\
          \hspace*{.55in} UNIVERSITY \\

          {\Large      \Who}\\
          {\normalsize \What}\\
          {\normalsize \Where}%

          \Address & {\footnotesize Tel}: \TEL\\
          \CityZip & \Email\\

	  \footnotesize \URL%


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\typeout{<card.tex, Brian Moses>}
\put(00.0,08.0){\makebox(3.5,2.0){\card}}  %  Change \makebox to \framebox
\put(03.5,08.0){\makebox(3.5,2.0){\card}}  %  to produce a visual box for
\put(00.0,06.0){\makebox(3.5,2.0){\card}}  %  previewing purposes.
% =========================================================================
% File Name: c.tex
% Last Modification Date: %G%     %U%
% Current Version: %M%    %I%
% File Creation Date: Sat Apr 20 22:52:24 1996
% Author: Jan Erik Odegard  <odegard@ece.rice.edu>
% Copyright: All software, documentation, and related files in this
%            distribution are Copyright (c) 1996  Rice University
% =========================================================================
\newcommand{\cname}{Jan Erik Odegard, Ph.D.}
\newcommand{\ctitlea}{Executive Director and Research}
\newcommand{\ctitleb}{Associate, CML, Computational}
\newcommand{\ctitlec}{Mathematics Laboratory}
\newcommand{\cadra}{Rice University}
\newcommand{\cadrb}{Electrical and Computer Engineering}
\newcommand{\cadrc}{6100 Main Street}
\newcommand{\cadrd}{Houston, Texas 77005-1892}
        \put(35,27){\scriptsize \cadra}
        \put(35,24){\scriptsize \cadrb}
        \put(35,21){\scriptsize \cadrc}
        \put(35,18){\scriptsize \cadrd}
        \put(35,11){\textsc{\scriptsize E-mail:}}
        \put(49,11){\scriptsize \cemail}
        \put(35,8){\textsc{\scriptsize url cml:}}
        \put(49,8){\scriptsize \curla}
        \put(35,5){\textsc{\scriptsize url dsp:}}
        \put(49,5){\scriptsize \curlb}
        \put(5,8){\textsc{\scriptsize Phone:}}
        \put(15,8){\scriptsize \cphone}
        \put(5,5){\textsc{\scriptsize Fax:}}
        \put(15,5){\scriptsize \cfax}

% =========================================================================
% File Name: c.tex
% Last Modification Date: %G%     %U%
% Current Version: %M%    %I%
% File Creation Date: Sat Apr 20 22:52:24 1996
% Author: Jan Erik Odegard  <odegard@ece.rice.edu>
% Copyright: All software, documentation, and related files in this
%            distribution are Copyright (c) 1996  Rice University
% =========================================================================
\newcommand{\cadra}{The Gestalt System}
\newcommand{\csig}{What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?}

\newcommand{\cname}{Karsten M. Self}
\newcommand{\ctitlea}{Project Founder / Geek for Hire}
\newcommand{\cadrc}{1053 Laurel St.}
\newcommand{\cadrd}{Menlo Park, CA 94025}

\newcommand{\cservca}{Linux \& Unix System Administration, Networking, Security}
\newcommand{\cservcb}{RDBMS: MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, DB2}
\newcommand{\cservcc}{Programming: Perl, Python, SAS, R}


	% This creates 'cut' lines 

	% Logo goes here
        \put(3,43){\ttfamily{\tiny \cadra}}
        \put(3,41){\ttfamily{\tiny \curlb}}
        % \put(3,39){\ttfamily{\tiny \csig}}

	% Personal info here
        \put(38,28){\scriptsize \cadrc}
        \put(38,25){\scriptsize \cadrd}
        \put(38,22){\scriptsize \cemail}
        \put(38,19){\scriptsize \cphone}
        \put(38,16){\scriptsize \ccell\  \tiny mobile/msg}

	% "Services" descriptions here
        \put(3,10){\tiny \cservca}
        \put(3,8){\tiny \cservcb}
        \put(3,6){\tiny \cservcc}


	% Visualize the card.... (adds outline)
	% \put(1,0){\line(1,0){87}}
	% \put(1,51){\line(1,0){87}}
	% \put(0,1){\line(0,1){49}}
	% \put(89,1){\line(0,1){49}}

	% More 'cut' lines


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Description: PostScript document

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Description: PGP signature

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