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Is there a better server avaliable?

El Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 07:24:45PM +0000, Gavin Hamill dijo:
-| On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Rick Jansen - Tweakers.net wrote:
-| > Try to enable "Passive mode" on your Windows clients.
-| I don't know what version is currently active with debian, but ProFTPd
-| 1.2.0rc2 had (amongst many others) a stupid bug where PASV mode didn't

I thought ProFTP was a good server... Is there anything better I can use?

-| work... so I'd suggest try toggling passive mode on Windows :)
-| gdh

Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Selling Soluciones
Valencia Spain
e-mail: dadecal@s2-selling.com
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