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Download here : RE: Powerpoint player (extreme programming presen tation)


-----Original Message-----
From: Joris Lambrecht [mailto:jlambrec@landis.be]
Sent: maandag 12 maart 2001 17:54
To: 'Gavin Hamill'; Joris Lambrecht
Cc: Carl Greco; Knud Sørensen; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: Powerpoint player (extreme programming presentation)

Yes indeed, i for one must say it's rather flexible. you can install it on a
system and simply copy the few files into any location you need. I event
copied it into the root of a presentation archives and later burned that
onto a cdrom, then uninstalled the software and ran it from cdrom. Still
worked :-) Rather nice eh !

-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin Hamill [mailto:gdh@acentral.co.uk]
Sent: maandag 12 maart 2001 17:52
To: Joris Lambrecht
Cc: Carl Greco; Knud Sørensen; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: Powerpoint player (extreme programming presentation)

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Joris Lambrecht wrote:

> This might be the way to go, in case you do ... there is a free powerpoint
> presentation viewer available at the microsoft site. Maybe someone should
> try to get this to work with WINE.

Well, it was about 18 months ago but I managed to get Word to run just by
mounting my windows partition in Linux and running MSWORD.EXE ... it
complained a lot about missing files and fonts, but it did run! :)

Things should have improved since then... and A powerPoint viewer should
be less taxing than the mighty Word :)


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