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Re: ftp, telnet: connection refused to localhost

On 30 Dec 2001, nate wrote:
> <quote who="Anthony Campbell">
> > On my desktop, I can telnet to myself but not ftp.
> > On my laptop, I can ftp to myself but not telnet.
> >
> > Any suggestions for what needs to be configured? Is this perhaps
> > why plip won't connect the two machines?
> check inetd.conf or xinetd.conf if you use xinetd for
> the telnet service. make sure telnetd is installed
> (that is if you really want it). as for ftp there
> is ftpds that run both inside inetd(e.g. ftpd) and
> ftpds that can run outside of inetd(e.g. proftpd)
> so check what ftpd you have installed and reconfigure
> it in inetd.conf/xinetd.conf or if you have proftpd,
> proftpd.conf if you really want ftpd running.
> as for plip, i have never used it, can't imagine
> a situation where i'd ever need it so ..can't
> really help you there.
> nate

On neither of these machines does /etc/identd.conf say anything about
telnet or ftp. I'm giving up on plip, at least for the present; I've
spent the best part of 3 days on it, reading HOWTOs until I'm
cross-eyed, and can't afford to have my parallel port locked up all the
time. I thought it would be a good way of backing stuff up but it seems
to be too difficult to be practical.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux GNU/Debian (Windows-free zone)
For an electronic book (The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
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Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our
obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come
from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. [Carl Sagan]

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