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Re: Please help with Python error.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2001 at 08:34:17PM -0800, Chris Yeun wrote:
| Hello,
| I upgraded to the "Woody" versions of Squishdot 1.3.0-1, Zope 2.4.2-0.2,
| and Python 2.1.1-7.  I'm receiving an error message when running
| Squishdot and trying to post a new article...the error is:   
| python2.1: ../Python/ceval.c:687: eval_code2: Assertion `(stack_pointer
| - f->f_valuestack) <= f->f_stacksize' failed.

Ouch, that looks bad.  You shouldn't ever see messages like that from
python (I certainly haven't).

| Has anyone seen this error before?  I'd like to submit a bug report and
| would appreciate which package I should submit the report to.

I suggest posting this on python-list@python.org (or
comp.lang.python, there's a bi-directional gateway).  Perhaps you can
post on python-dev, but IIRC it is a closed list.  Some of the gurus
who work with python's internals should be able to help you.



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Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
        John 8:31-32

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