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Re: 3c905c

On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 08:33:35AM -0800, Kurt Lieber wrote:
> On Thursday 27 December 2001 08:17 am, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> > I will install potato in a machine which have the 3c905c-tx NIC installed.
> > The Debian install program (for 2.2.r2 in my case) doesn't suppot it. 
> It doesn't?  Are you sure?  I haven't used a 3c905 w/ Potato in a while, but 
> I'm pretty sure the 3c509 driver works just fine with it.

I am pretty sure it does not.  The 3c905 is part of the vortex family
...  well, to be pedantic 3c59x cards are vortex and 3c900 and 3c905 cards
are tornado.  All are supported by the 3c59x module.  All are PCI bus.

The 3c509 is a very different animal ... it's an ISA bus card.  While
getting a bit old, they're reliable cards if you have ISA-only

I haven't tried the latest update of potato (I run woody+sid), but I
doin't believe Debian 2.2r3 supported 3c905c cards out of the box.
3c905b was supported.

The original poster either needs to get a newer release of Debian 2.2
_iff_ the new release has the updated 3c59x module, or needs to get
someone to build a kernel with the new code and copy it to the install
floppy (the rescue floppy is an MS-DOS fs so almost any system can
read and write on it)

Has anyone played with the network boot features of the 3c905c-tx-m?

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:nnorman@micromuse.com   |   -- Patton

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