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Re: Login history for root and others

On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 03:04:51AM +1100, Penguin wrote:
> Hi
> Does syslogd or any other system logger track the number of attempted logins 
> as root, along with date and time, and network address of whoever tried to 
> login over a network?
> Also, is there a similar logger that records login history for all user 
> accounts, and a logger that records the history of unsuccessful logins with a 
> non-existant user account, plus date + time, plus network address if they are 
> trying it over the net or whatever.
> Thanks heaps.
> -- 
> Penguin
> penguin1@dodo.com.au
> "Girls are for pleasure; boys are for ecstasy."
> -- 
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Take a look at the "last" command. It lists the last logins for all the users
of the system. I really don't know if it logs login attempts, i.e, logins
that were not successful. Have a look at the manpage for syslogd.conf, it
normally contains all the necessary sintaxe issues to include in that file.
I guess all linux distributions i used (before my recent "debianization")
logged every login attempt to the system, and effective logins to /var/log/

Best luck,

...there is no place like ~
              Américo Rocha

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