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Re: DHCP  kernel 2.4.14 reiserfs potato/testing

Thus spake Lance Hoffmeyer:
> I installed a a base fileserver this morning using Potato Reiser boot
> floppies.  Everything went fine.  I am on a DHCP system and during
> installation the IP addr was assigned and I had internet access.  I
> installed the rest of the files using Debian/testing. I created 5 10G
> partitions and installed the Reiser FS on them.  The problem is that
> the 2.2.19 kernel would not recognize the Reiser FS?  Maybe a newer
> reiserfsprogs that causes problems with 2.2.19 kernel (Just guessing?)
> So, I compiled a 2.4.14 kernel with Reiser support.  The only network
> options I added was the Intel NIC I was using.  The kernel compiled,
> I rebooted and I was able to mount the Reiser partitions I had created
> earlier.  BUT, DHCP quit working.  I ran ifconfig and no IP addr had
> been assigned.  I could ping localhost but nothing else.
> Are there any options I need to pick in the networking or network
> devices section to get DHCP working on a compiled kerenl or should
> it DHCP work "out of the box" without modifying any make menuconfig
> options?
> I started a new install again as in the first paragraph with the same
> results, DHCP worked but Reiser partition could not be read.  I am
> guessing that kernel 2.2.19 cannot read a Reiser FS created from a
> Debian/testing reiserfsprogs but I am not sure why I could not get
> DHCP working after compiling 2.4.14 kernel?  Any ideas?
I don't know exactly where the problem is, but I suspect the potato
version of DHCP.  I had exactly the same problem when I went from a
2.2 to 2.4 kernel - DHCP just died, and without any findable (at least
by me, at that point - I might be smarter now) error messages in my
logs.  Installing the dhcp-client from Woody solved it for me.
<SirDibos> does Johnie Ingram hang out here on IRC?

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